The 3-Phase Concept for my baby & me!
We accompany you from the desire to have children through pregnancy to the end of breastfeeding.
The 3-Phase Concept for my baby & me!
We accompany you from the desire to have children through pregnancy to the end of breastfeeding.
Desire for children, pregnancy, and breastfeeding
-We provide you with information on the topics that interest you most at this exciting time
You wish to have a baby and would like to get pregnant? Maybe it has already happened, and you are in the middle of the most exciting phase of your life, the pregnancy. And even if you can already hold your happiness in your arms and are already breastfeeding – as a mum you always want only the best for your baby.
We would like to accompany you on your adventure journey and therefore offer you not only high-quality food supplements especially for the different phases of pregnancy, but also provide you with answers to the numerous questions that are probably burning on the hearts of all parents-to-be. Make yourself comfortable and browse through our constantly growing blog section to find information on the topics that really interest you.